Our mission is to promote informed debate and discussion on the role and future of limited government in America.
The following questions are among those that could be an important part of that debate:
How might the apparently unlimited future growth of federal power be constrained?
Under what circumstances might Congress vote to limit its own power?
If Congress won't act, might constitutional reform be part of the answer
what kinds of constitutional limits on the power of Congress might be appropriate?
Is it likely that Congress would propose a Constitutional Amendment limiting its own power?
What steps could states take to encourage Congress to consider proposing a constitutional amendment imposing such limits?
If Congress won't act, could States call for a Constitutional Convention limited to consideration of just one Constitutional Amendment?
Would a Constitutional Amendment providing that in the future, 2/3 of states could propose a single amendment without the consent of Congress and without the need for a convention be a desirable subject for such a one-issue convention?
Would the Supreme Court enforce a one-amendment limit if 34 states called for a convention with such a limit?
Are there other measures States could take to limit a convention to an up or down vote on just one amendment?
Would laws in each state calling for a convention outlawing consideration in that state of any unauthorized amendment be effective?
Would laws in each state calling for the convention requiring delegates to pledge to uphold the one-amendment limit be effective?
Would laws in each state calling for the convention that required the automatic resignation of delegates violating their pledge be effective?
Would laws in each state calling for the convention imposing severe penalties on delegates who violated their pledge be effective?
What could entities other than states do to ensure that a convention called by states for the purpose of considering only one amendment remained limited to that one amendment?
How else might a more effective balance of power between the federal and state government be restored?
These are only a few of the many questions that could be debated. What are your thoughts?